The "Seven Mountains"

GUF is dedicated to becoming a voice, speaking forth the mind and counsel of God. Our purpose is to promote the agenda of God on earth while advancing Kingdom culture. Using our collective influence, wisdom, and resources, we will work to ensure that continuous generations of prophetic voices, change agents, and policymakers rise up in the Kingdom of God to reclaim the seven mountains that shape culture and influence human behavior.


Where people trade, do business, and build for the glory of God or the glory of man

Where resources are consecrated for the glory of God or captured for the powers of darkness,

The Mountain of Business

The mountain of business is designed to model the biblical principle of economic supply and demand. It allows for the basic physiological needs and demands of mankind, such as food, water, and shelter, to be met by commercial enterprise and kingdom empowerment. As God is the supplier and originator of all things, it is He who ultimately empowers all mankind with the skills, strategies, principles, and creative capacities for entrepreneurial success. Consequently, the Mountain of Business is to be viewed as the primary enabler of the Other Mountains because it supplies and makes provisions for their existence. In this regard, the biblical concept of wealth should not be confined to and considered purely from the viewpoint of money.

Genesis 1:27-28
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female, He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

Genesis 2:15
Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. The Mountain of Business is the result of man fulfilling this God-given decree. The mountain of business is God’s wealth generator on earth in order to meet not only man’s needs and desires but also God’s desire to establish and expand His kingdom.

Deuteronomy 8:18
And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant, which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

Every business is the result of man expressing his need and desire for wealth, prosperity, and freedom. Do all businesses honor the creator? Absolutely not. It is the responsibility of Kingdom citizens to create or influence businesses in ways that cause honor and glory to go back to God.

Where evil is restrained or endorsed

The Mountain of Government

The Mountain of Government is inclusive of persons who exercise rule over any region, nation, or territory. The mountain of government enacts legislation, rules, and regulations that govern the lives of its citizens and those who occupy the land. It administers civil righteousness and justice on all levels. As children of the Most High God, we must seriously begin to infiltrate the systems of government in areas of key positions where it really matters. It is our responsibility and Christian duty to bring the Kingdom Agenda back into the Mountain of Government.

The flow of power should be from the Creator... to the Creator... the regulations, rules,regionendorsedbusinessesorcitizensbusinessesprosperity,covenant,kingdommeetearthmountainfemale,God, makes mountain principles,water,mankind, business darkness,manbusiness, policymakers agents,resources,wisdom,earthonagenda people... to the government. While the government was established to be a non-religious entity, it should not be assumed that persons who occupy positions of influence in government are operating out of an appointment not sanctioned by or ordained by God.

The Ten Commandments were the very first set of printed laws given to mankind for the purpose of national governance. These were given to mankind by our Creator, God. These laws form the framework for governance in our private, public, political, and national lives.

According to the Apostle Paul in Romans 13:2–4, government is “ordained by God” to promote justice, restrain evil, and protect the people under its care. The Ten Commandments express moral duties in a minimal and most general form, allowing us maximum freedom in the arrangements of one’s life affairs. They are aimed at setting boundaries that, when trespassed, can damage family and community life. So often in His sermons, Jesus referred to the Ten Commandments and explained their deep spiritual meaning. Life has shown us that as long as the government guides itself with these moral principles and concerns itself with their observance, life within a country flows at a normal pace.

Wherever God’s government is established through service and humility, Satan’s government is established through manipulation and pride. (The Girgascites Duet, 7:1–2)

Where information is interpreted through the lens of good or evil,

The Mountain of Media

Media is the mouthpiece of all of the mountains. Whether we know it or not, one of the most powerful ways that we can influence today’s culture is through the mountain of media. For many years, churches were only able to attract people into the four walls through traditional means such as verbal and printed invitations, but today, through the advancement of media and technology, they are now capable of reaching millions around the world. Media sources such as live streaming, social media, and electronic broadcasting have literally redefined the impact of church on our daily lives.

Media is everywhere and includes, but is not limited to, books, news papers, magazines, radio, television, social networks, and any other tool used to transport and convey a message. Although we use media on a daily basis, the world still has many people in it who believe that the only way we can influence the mountain of media is by working for one of the large media corporations. Do not believe it! Media is not just a form of information but a vehicle to influence the nations of the world.

In the church and among believers, we have to be able to see media as being more than recording and duplicating messages, music, and sermons or controlling the sound system. That’s focusing on The Mountain of Media with a church mentality, but if you begin to focus on The Mountain of Media from a kingdom perspective, our minds will begin to soar into areas where we can influence culture through media.

In Mark 16:15, Jesus told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone. If we are going to be able to effectively do that, then we must reclaim the Mountain of Media.

Where values and virtues are either celebrated or distorted.

The Mountain of Arts and Entertainment

Colossians 1:16
For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through and for Him.

The purpose of this mountain is to produce qualitative and God-honoring forms of expression and entertainment by identifying and cultivating talents and spiritual gifts. It is designed to communicate and intercede in places where the natural word alone fails or is less effective. The Mountain of Arts and Entertainment is also referred to as the Celebration Mountain. This mountain includes arts, music, sports, fashion, drama, and other ways that are used to entertain and celebrate human life and mankind. True art should not cater to someone’s faith but should be used as a means to expand and challenge it.

It almost goes without saying that God created all forms of art, and He chose each of them to point to His grand mystery. Each chord, each melody, each poem, and each dramatic rendition should lend a clue as to who our great God is.

Arts and Entertainment is more than music in the air—more than colors on a canvas. The spectrum of art includes chefs, designers, athletes, vocalists, writers, musicians, actors, and others. If you fall within the ranks of any of these groups, your work is both valid and necessary. Your work has the potential to shape culture, communicate truth, mold generations, and validate emotion. Do what you do to the glory of God.

Psalm 16:11
You will show me the path of life: in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Where truths or lies about God and His creation are taught,

The Mountain of Education

The Mountain of Education extends beyond the confines of the classroom or the traditional chalk board. The history of our educational system has its roots firmly planted in the Word of God. From the very beginning, we were taught that everything must revolve around our Creator in order to be successful in life. The Word of God served as the primary instructional tool and blueprint for the development of the family, agriculture, trade, commerce, science, music, the arts, mathematics, and other aspects of modern-day academia. In fact, it was only after the initial study of the Bible that reading, writing, mathematics, science, and astrology were exposed and further developed into the disciples as we know them today.

Unfortunately, our development and advancement into a free-thinking, progressive, and modernized civilization over the years has also seen a subtle creeping in of the enemy into the area of education. This deviation from God’s original plans for mankind to be educated according to the scriptures has been distorted through the introduction of systems and tools of a humanistic, atheistic, agnostic, idealistic, and metaphysical nature, among others.

The introduction of these viewpoints now serves in many educational institutions as the primary influence on the minds of the learners, as opposed to the Word of God.

Our assignment in the 21st century is to reclaim this mountain by doing all we can to revisit the academic, vocational, cognitive, and socialization approaches to education and revamp kingdom-focused education through Bible-based mind-transformative and creative thinking strategies.

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go.
And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

The training of a child begins the process of building up a godly creative mind and a stable and godly society.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7
And these words, which I command you today, shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

Deuteronomy 11:18-21
Therefore, you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. That your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, like the days of the heavens above the earth.

Timothy 2:15
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Where either a blessing or a curse is passed on to successive generations.

The Mountain of Family

The family forms the foundation of society. Therefore, the Mountain of Family is the most important area of influence and affects all other areas in every culture. Very serious attention needs to be given to this mountain with the intention of reconciling and restoring the influence of the family as prescribed by God.

In these early years of the 21st century, many would agree that the family is in trouble. There is a calculated satanic effort afoot to re-define the family as God designed and desires it. It is therefore imperative that those who are called to be defenders of the Christian faith and protectors of the family rise up with an intentional effort to save the family. It is predicted that by 2020, the family may be redefined as something different from what we know it to be today.

In so many cases, Satan has been having a measure of success by removing the most vital element of the family structure from the home: the father. The spirit of rejection, abandonment, low self-esteem, and a myriad of social ills are among the challenges that stem from the absence of the father in the home.

It could be said that the family is at the heartbeat of God; before He created the church, He created the family. The Seven Mountain Movement can help the body bring to pass the prophetic utterances of Malachi 4:6–7 in reference to the hearts of the fathers returning to the children and the hearts of the children returning to their fathers. When this happens, love, affirmation, acceptance, and trust will return, causing the internal family structure to be refreshed, refocused, and restored. This will result in healthy people being released from biblically functional families and into the other Mountains of Influence to bring about positive change.

Where people worship God in spirit and truth or settle for a religious ritualistic experience.

The Mountain of Religion

God created mankind to enjoy an authentic intimate relationship with Him, as opposed to mere religious observances. The Mountain of Religion and its sometimes superficial observances have far too long been the central focus of the Body of Christ. Somehow, many Christian believers have allowed their Christian experiences to revolve around and be defined by their religious practices. Christian growth and maturity subscribe to the theological view that while God’s plan for mankind begins with the salvation experience, it certainly does not end there. Salvation is, and must continue to be, the foundation of the Christian faith, but it must not be solely viewed as the end but as the means to the end.

The Bible gives us a portrait of the nation that represents the spirit of religion. The Perizzites represent idolatry and false worship. This demon is designed to steal worship designated for God. The assignment is designed to dissolve, distract, divert, destroy, and ultimately lead the worship service in a different direction.

Historically, the Christian Church has always done well in the process of evangelizing the lost, but after conversion, the church has become flawed in the process and practice of turning “members into ministers”. We teach them how to do church work instead of doing the work of the church. True discipleship equips persons to do the work of the ministry, as opposed to the titled few: the pastors, preachers, teachers, deacons, and other ministry heads being consumed with and often times burned out by the unequally distributed work of church ministry. God’s agenda dictates that ministry be done from the pulpit to the pew.

The Seven Mountain Movement will teach, equip, and train (teleos) our people on how to progress into a new mindset of becoming actively engaged in church ministry. We believe that everyone can answer the call and be developed into a major influencer for the Kingdom of God in their respective circles of influence.

In Genesis 1:26-28, God made it very clear that we are to have dominion over the earth. Jesus himself commanded His disciples in Matthew 28:18–20 to disciple nations, not just one another.

In Deuteronomy 7:1-2, we are warned of the seven nations that represent the seven spirits that will come against us as we launch forth in this Seven Mountain Movement.

Revelation 4:11, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, honor, and power; for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.

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